iP Solutions’ expertise is unsurpassed in Remote Monitoring and Control. As the largest shareholder of Iris Connection, Inc., iP Solutions provided all the Intellectual Property (IP) and product development for Iris Connection’s product lines, which feature the Watchman©, a complete water management system for public water systems and the Saturn© system for agricultural irrigation pump controls and environmental data monitoring. Key features of both product lines include their Remote Monitoring and Control capabilities.
Included in Remote Monitoring and Control are various wireless technologies. From the efforts in SCADA and agricultural remote monitoring and control, iP Solutions developed the vWire product line.
For more information on the Watchman and Saturn systems, checkout:
For more on SCADA and CSI
iP Solutions’ Weather Data Monitoring and Alert System
For information on iP Solutions’ vWire product
For information on iP Solutions’ Networked I/O product