iP Solutions has consulted on many projects in the Water-Energy Nexus. Gary Marks of iP Solutions has authored several papers on electrical energy consumption, energy efficiency and demand response in California industrial, agricultural, and water applications. His most recent, “Opportunities for Demand Response in California Agricultural Irrigation: A Scoping Study”, was contracted by the Demand Response Research Center (DRRC) for the Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) program of the California Energy Commission (CEC). Further, Mr. Marks presented the topic of “Opportunities for Demand Response in California Agricultural Irrigation” at the Emerging Technology Summit for energy technology companies and electric utilities in Pasadena, CA on October 16th, 2012. In 2010, Mr. Marks authored a paper on Precision Irrigation that dealt with water and energy efficiency as well as demand response in California agricultural irrigation. Mr. Marks is a member of the Demand Response Research Center Industrial Controls Experts Working Group and as a member of that group consulted on another DRRC publication, “Assessing the Control Systems Capacity for Demand Response in California Industries”.
iP Solutions continues its work on the Water-Energy Nexus in agricultural irrigation and public water system pump controls. In November of 2012, iP Solutions joined the OpenADR Alliance.