David Mora

David Mora is a sea­soned soft­ware engi­neer and archi­tect, expe­ri­enced in embed­ded soft­ware devel­op­ment, enter­prise data­base appli­ca­tions, and sys­tems inte­gra­tion. His areas of exper­tise include con­cep­tual design, appli­ca­tion design, data­base mod­el­ing, imple­men­ta­tion through cod­ing, debug­ging, and release.

Mr. Mora has devel­oped numer­ous test automa­tion and robotic automa­tion sys­tems and is famil­iar with the chal­lenges of inte­grat­ing dis­parate pieces of soft­ware and hardware.

He devel­oped all the soft­ware for the user-application level sys­tem for Iris Con­nec­tions’ pub­lic water man­age­ment and agri­cul­tural irri­ga­tion prod­uct line, includ­ing a data­base model opti­mized for big data and effi­cient infor­ma­tion retrieval, and an auto­mated alarm mon­i­tor­ing and dis­patch­ing sys­tem. On the front end, he designed a dash­board appli­ca­tion allow­ing users to ana­lyze trends and cur­rent infor­ma­tion, and con­trol their pump sta­tions in real time.

A back­ground in elec­tri­cal engi­neer­ing allows Mr. Mora to com­fort­ably strad­dle the line between hard­ware and soft­ware, design­ing hard­ware sys­tems when required, and tack­ling com­plex sys­tems design sce­nar­ios where detailed knowl­edge of both aspects is required.  He also has a long track-record of net­work pro­to­col and low-level sys­tems devel­op­ment on mul­ti­ple plat­forms, both main­stream, like Win­dows and Linux, and cus­tom embed­ded devices.

Mr. Mora also makes an effort to reach out to the devel­oper com­mu­nity with the inten­tion of encour­ag­ing oth­ers to pro­duce bet­ter soft­ware that empow­ers users instead of frus­trat­ing them. He writes blog arti­cles dis­cussing many aspects of soft­ware engi­neer­ing with a view from the trenches. He also speaks at devel­oper con­fer­ences, cov­er­ing top­ics like net­work com­mu­ni­ca­tions and embed­ded development.