David Halbert

David Hal­bert, co-founder of iP Solu­tions, is a vet­eran elec­tronic sys­tems designer spe­cial­iz­ing in embed­ded sys­tems. Mr. Hal­bert devel­oped all of the custom-designed cir­cuits and inter­faces for iP Solu­tions’ var­i­ous embed­ded sys­tems projects.

With mul­ti­ple patents in high-speed Emitter-Coupled Logic (ECL) and timing-critical sig­nal rout­ing and imped­ance con­trol, Mr. Hal­bert is uniquely expert in the fields of high-speed dig­i­tal and ana­log cir­cuits. Mr. Hal­bert designed all of iP Solu­tions’ reg­u­la­tor mod­ules that address the extremely dif­fi­cult issue of main­tain­ing sta­ble volt­ages for cir­cuits with extra­or­di­nar­ily high di/dt require­ments (extremely rapid and large changes in cur­rent demands). He is cur­rently work­ing on sev­eral new patentable reg­u­la­tor designs. See high-speed con­sult­ing and high-speed design ser­vices.

Mr. Hal­bert also devel­oped all of iP Solu­tions’ remote mon­i­tor­ing and con­trol prod­ucts (vWire and Net­worked I/O).  As a co-founder of Iris Con­nec­tion, a partially-owned sub­sidiary of iP Solu­tions, Mr. Hal­bert pro­vided the remote mon­i­tor­ing and con­trol exper­tise that Iris Con­nec­tion required to pro­vide their cus­tomers with remote mon­i­tor­ing and con­trol solu­tions.  He also pro­vided the RF and antenna exper­tise to Iris Con­nec­tion for instal­la­tion and ser­vice of mul­ti­ple types of wire­less links used to net­work remote man­age­ments systems.